What Do Companies Offer for Relocation?

Relocating for work can be a daunting task, but many companies are offering comprehensive relocation packages to make the process easier. From temporary housing to financial assistance, companies are providing employees with the resources they need to make a successful transition. BP, Duke Energy, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Shyft are just a few of the companies that offer relocation packages. BP's relocation policy provides employees and their families with financial assistance in line with industry practice.

To help ease the transition to a new community, BP has organized family settlement assistance and spousal employment services, while providing a dedicated relocation coordinator for each employee, who can initiate these services. Duke Energy understands that a company's strength depends on a diverse, high-performing workforce. That's why they offer a comprehensive rewards package that includes everything from retirement benefits to wellness programs. Amazon is opening campuses in the U.

S., London, Berlin, Seville & Malaga and, as such, their relocation packages are detailed and conveniently flexible. Depending on the employee's level within the company, they can expect it to cover everything from moving expenses to their children's fees at the new school. Google also offers relocation packages for those moving to a new European territory. Depending on location, Google employees receive an allowance to cover relocation costs or receive a pre-agreed relocation package that includes temporary housing.

Microsoft's employee relocation benefits are exceptional and they have mastered the art of streamlining the moving process for expats and professionals around the world. The HR team takes action instantly when it comes to providing relocation assistance and coverage. Microsoft has been relocating employees to Seattle, London, Paris, Dublin, Prague or Cambridge. Many companies place a limit on the amount they can reimburse and have the employee show them receipts for the amount spent during the relocation. If companies discover that they are losing talent, especially as part of a transfer process, a review of their relocation policies and strategies may be undertaken to keep up with the changing face of the modern workforce.

Also, given that 20 percent of employees say they have quit a job after being denied a relocation opportunity, offering a below-normal moving experience can be unpleasant for potential job candidates and cause your company to lose talent. If the employee needs to start on a certain date, companies may also consider the possibility of temporary housing. Thanks to shared hosting programs like Airbnb, companies can avoid hosting someone in an expensive hotel, although that option is still available. Temporary housing can help the employee adjust to the new place in a month or two. Along with rental costs of those two months, companies also usually cover utilities. Many logistics companies participate in moves like this and many companies offer a relocation package to help their new employees.

Offering employees options in relocation packages provides incentives for current and future employees to stay and pursue careers within a company. While it is increasingly common for new junior level employees to also be offered relocation opportunities, typically the higher the employee's rank within the organization, the more extensive the covered expenses of a relocation package. Shyft combines the logistics management of relocation technology with personalized service you can only find with concierge companies. When you extend a job offer to a candidate and begin the relocation process, you want to make sure that the company you partner with is both an extension and reflection of your workplace. Although most companies have a relocation package resolved by the time they offer a job, employees may have individual needs or requests to make the move as simple as possible. If a third party buyer offers a higher price than what was purchased through GBO (Global Business Opportunities), then modified value option (AVO) can be used. Technology employees in leadership positions are advised to move away from companies that are not willing to extend generous relocation packages that meet their family's needs.

Jackson Jeannette
Jackson Jeannette

Subtly charming social media fanatic. Evil zombie ninja. Zombieaholic. Typical tv evangelist. Lifelong travel expert.